Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street Response

Beat Street was really interesting. I usually don’t watch movies from the 1900-2003 because most are unrealistic compared to the present and they have really bad graphics. Now my favorite movie is beat Street because of the insane pop-locking and break dancing despite the graphics and relevance. It was cool to see what clothes they wore in the 80’s. It seems as though they would randomly pick a shirt and some pants. Their combinations of clothes and shoes was fly but today I consider it a little crazy and outlandish. I remember a girl had on a blue fur, pink shirt, green pants, and blue shoes in the movie. Who would wear that? Not I! She looked really good but I wondered what my reaction would be if I actually saw somebody to day wearing that. I think I would just laugh and take a picture just to remember the moment.
While looking back on the past part of it showed up in my life yesterday. I saw an 8 track tape and player. When I saw it I asked my grandmother what it was and when she told me my eyes grew with excitement. I had never seen one in my whole life. We set it up and got it to play. It was like a blast from the past. Ancient!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hungry for Attention

So now in class we are reading the book Black Boy by Richard Wright. So far in the book the main character Richard shows his need for attention. He seems like he’s just there and not really acknowledged because he is a child. In the book he sets the curtain in his house on fire basically because he was bored. By setting the curtains on fire and basically burning the house down he defiantly got the attention he has been yearning for. Another example of his addiction to attention is when he killed a cat to get back at his father. Richard’s sole intention was to get the attention and anger his father without getting punished.
Is Richard alone in his craving for hunger?
All crave some attention but people pursue it in different ways. Some have made themselves into celebrities, who have the attention of millions. Others are criminals who are on the news who also have the attention of many. Some people pursue attention in negative ways and others in positive ways.
Why is attention craved?
This question I cannot answer on the behalf of others but I crave attention because it’s boring to live in the shadows of others. I like to be visible in the spotlight, because of the feeling I get. When I’m in front of people on a stage I feel happy and at home. That is why I crave attention.