Thursday, March 31, 2011

On the Reservation

An Indian reservation was an area of land reserved for Indian use. The first political leader to suggest this policy was Andrew Jackson. There are only 310 reservations in the United States today even though there are more than 550 recognized tribes. Life in the reservations is currently the hard. Many of the reservations are very isolated from the rest of the world. They live in poverty and are not able to support themselves well in the reservation. Many Native Americans dislike life in the reservation and eventually leave, when leaving they don’t just leave their family behind but their culture also. Native American culture has been lost over the years and they continue to attempt to recover what has been lost. America has become a great country since it has been started, but it is easy to forget that we have taken other people's land for our benefit. That is why Native Americans deserve the most respect because we took their land and gave them land somewhere else and they were able to live through that.
“American Indians have been found to be the poorest people living in the US. The country's 2.1 million Indians, about 400,000 of whom live on reservations, have the highest rates of poverty, unemployment and disease of any ethnic group in America.” –Peter Carlson

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda 2011
1.      ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
2.      the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
In 2011 propaganda is on a whole new level. It is in commercials, newspapers, on the radio and billboards. I see propaganda on T.V everyday especially since the mayor elections started. In the commercials the candidates try to convince you to vote for them because they are the right choice while at the same time tearing down the competitors. They run others commercials just to bash on the others telling us at home they won’t be able to keep your children safe and money in your pockets but they can if you give them the chance. They run these commercials to convince you not to vote for the other candidates and change your view of them. This is all propaganda, the spreading of ideas and influencing you just for a vote is one of the many forms of propaganda that we see today. I really hate commercials I think they are a big waste of time. I always record my show then fast-forward through the commercials. I guess propaganda doesn’t really effect me because I don’t pay much attention to it.