Friday, November 12, 2010

Class Improvements

I am always asked do I like the class. That question doesn’t really give me much of a choice but to answer with “yes” because I have to go through the class for the rest of the school. I better like it!! On the other hand when I am asked if I like American Literature class I can honestly say that I love it. I’m not just saying it because I have to, I genuinely like the class.

So, I am what direction does the class need to be better.

Well I don’t have a problem with anything in the class. It’s the best class I have this year. I really like how we discus every topics we come across. Everyone can express their opinion without being judged and the discussions are really deep.
The assignments are never hard but we still learn what is necessary. That is just how I like it, in depth but simple at the same time. It seems like in this class as long as the work gets done and you show that you have learned the material then you won’t have any problems.

The class is really laid back and free, so ultimately I don’t think the class needs any other direction.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Slavery has been traced back all the way to 3000 B.C in Mesopotamia. Slavery back then was not that bad. They took people who had debts, criminals, and captives as slaves. Eventually those who owed debts and the criminals were set free. Also if the slave had kids, their kids would not automatically be slaves also like in America. I am not saying that slavery is a good thing or should have been allowed. I am simply saying that slavery was not as bad as it was in America. Slavery slowly began to change over the years. The Americans turned it into a permanent thing and they treated their slaves terribly.

Now today we have a new form of slaves. There are sex slaves in our society today. Girls are taken from their homes at a young age and usually are sold into brothels. They train the girls in how to dress, wear makeup and please their customers. The daughter of Nepalese peasant farmers, Geeta had been sold to a brothel in India by a member of her extended family at the age of nine. The family member had duped Geeta's visually impaired mother into believing her daughter would get a job at a clothing company in Nepal. At the brothel the owner of the slaves would verbally abuse and beat the girls with wires, rods and hot spoons if they did not comply. On average the young girl was force to have sex with about 60 men a day. It is a true shame. The world has greatly changed the idea of slavery over the centuries.

The moment I knew I was an American

What is an American? Well Thomas Jefferson was said to believe that an American was of European decent. I definitely do not believe an American is only of European decent. That is entirely not true because the slaves they brought from Africa did not have any type of European decent. Even some of the Africans that were born in amerce did not any type of European decent. So I think and American is a person that is born in America and has lived there for most of their life.

In America people have a sense of freedom but still have invisible bars around them. Americans get to choose their own religion, wear what they want, say anything, write anything, celebrate holidays, have different traditions, etc. America provides all these different opportunities. The invisible bars come into play when you put laws into the equation. The laws restrict you from doing certain things which means you are not exactly free. Many American don’t realize it but the government is not exactly giving them the freedom they deserve or believe they have.

Honestly I don’t know the difference between and American and another nationality. Why? Well it is because I have never been out side of the country or met someone who is not American. So the moment I knew I was an American has not occurred in my life yet, but when it does I will defiantly update you guys on the moment I knew I was an American.