Monday, May 16, 2011

Tell Tale Heart Anaysis

The story has been interpreted in many different ways throughout the years and is still debated today. The main theme of the story is sanity vs. insanity. In the story the narrator insist that he loves the old man, has no personal animosity toward him, does not want his money, and has been injured by him. The narrator only hates the old mans evil eye. All this is quite normal, but then the narrator watches the man sleep for 8 nights then kills him. That is the insane part. He killed the man because of the way his eye looked. Then he heard the heart beats under the floor boards. The narrator must be crazy if he hears a dead mans heart beat. The narrator seeems sane at first but when the story goes on he becomes more insane. This story makes you wonder about the author. This could be reflecting the way Poe felt at the time. The terror and awe in the story is related to his obsession with time. He associates the central image of the beating of the heart with the beating of a clock; he says the old man listens, just as he has done, to the death watches in the wall. He emphasizes how time slows down and almost stops as he sticks his head into the old man’s room. I considered the significance of the title. I came to the conclusion that every heart tells a tale of passing time, with each beat bringing one closer to inevitable death.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



A normal morning for the Richard’s was in progress. Mrs. Richard a joyfull woman with a tan complexion, blue eyes, andbeautiful facial features, was in the kitchen making a sweet breakfast. She flipped the sausage over squeezing the juice out making it sizzle, scrambled the eggs, and the toast popped out the toaster with a loud ding. The sizzling sausages, crispy toast and sparkling yellow eggs were nice and hot.  While Mrs. Richard, a muscular and handsome young manflipped sausages, Mr. Richard was upstairs trying to decide which shirt looked best with which tie. He pulled out shirt after shirt and dumped all his ties onto the bed. The mixing of shirts and ties went on and on until he found the perfect match. He seemed to act like a little girl who cannot decide what she wants.
            On the way out of the door Mrs. Richard handed Mr. Richard his lunch and his breakfast in a sweet manner. They tenderly kissed each other goodbye. Outside the sun was rising with chirping birds. He walked to his car admiring the Chicago scenery. As he got closer to his car a squirrel stopped right in front of he and just stood there glaring as if it wanted him to stop and turn around and go back into the house. After a minute of just standing there Mr. Richard decided to walk around the squirrel and get into the car. He checked his mirrors and tried to put his seat belt on. It would not budge, so he just drove off. As he cruised down the street another squirrel ran in front of the car. Richard thought, “Was it just a coincidence or was it a sign?”
He turned onto Steger Road, the busiest street near his home. As he drove down the road, he saw squirrels everywhere. They were in the trees, grass, bushes, on top of houses, cars, trucks and garages. It seemed like they were trying to tell him something. He went into the intersection of Stegar Road and Route 394 to make a right turn. As he turned into the street he saw a big semi-tuck coming and he panicked. Within seconds he had to make many decisions. “Should I hit the brakes? Should I steer of the road? Should I keep going? What should I do?” That is what was going on in his head in those few seconds.  In the end the truck ran into the side of his car.
            As the truck hit the car he was blinded by its bright headlights, the metal rippled slowly like a beautiful wave and buckled under the pressure like a crushed can. The car skidded and spun continuously down the long road until it stopped with a huge bang. For a moment it was silent, all he could hear was bird chirping and could see the squirrels gust sitting there.
            As he laid there he thought about his beautiful wife and great friends. He wondered if he would live to see them again. That thought brought tears to his eyes. It seemed like he had been laying there for days. The world was just passing him by, until he heard sirens. He tried to move but he realized the he could not feel his legs. Footsteps were heard, bright lights were seen, and pain was felt deep in his heart. He knew at that it was time for him to go. A squirrel came and guided him into to the light and as he looked back he saw his wife and a baby inside of her. At that moment he became accepting of the outcome and at peace with the world because he knew that his legacy would continue, beginning with his unborn son.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

On the Reservation

An Indian reservation was an area of land reserved for Indian use. The first political leader to suggest this policy was Andrew Jackson. There are only 310 reservations in the United States today even though there are more than 550 recognized tribes. Life in the reservations is currently the hard. Many of the reservations are very isolated from the rest of the world. They live in poverty and are not able to support themselves well in the reservation. Many Native Americans dislike life in the reservation and eventually leave, when leaving they don’t just leave their family behind but their culture also. Native American culture has been lost over the years and they continue to attempt to recover what has been lost. America has become a great country since it has been started, but it is easy to forget that we have taken other people's land for our benefit. That is why Native Americans deserve the most respect because we took their land and gave them land somewhere else and they were able to live through that.
“American Indians have been found to be the poorest people living in the US. The country's 2.1 million Indians, about 400,000 of whom live on reservations, have the highest rates of poverty, unemployment and disease of any ethnic group in America.” –Peter Carlson

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda 2011
1.      ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
2.      the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
In 2011 propaganda is on a whole new level. It is in commercials, newspapers, on the radio and billboards. I see propaganda on T.V everyday especially since the mayor elections started. In the commercials the candidates try to convince you to vote for them because they are the right choice while at the same time tearing down the competitors. They run others commercials just to bash on the others telling us at home they won’t be able to keep your children safe and money in your pockets but they can if you give them the chance. They run these commercials to convince you not to vote for the other candidates and change your view of them. This is all propaganda, the spreading of ideas and influencing you just for a vote is one of the many forms of propaganda that we see today. I really hate commercials I think they are a big waste of time. I always record my show then fast-forward through the commercials. I guess propaganda doesn’t really effect me because I don’t pay much attention to it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street Response

Beat Street was really interesting. I usually don’t watch movies from the 1900-2003 because most are unrealistic compared to the present and they have really bad graphics. Now my favorite movie is beat Street because of the insane pop-locking and break dancing despite the graphics and relevance. It was cool to see what clothes they wore in the 80’s. It seems as though they would randomly pick a shirt and some pants. Their combinations of clothes and shoes was fly but today I consider it a little crazy and outlandish. I remember a girl had on a blue fur, pink shirt, green pants, and blue shoes in the movie. Who would wear that? Not I! She looked really good but I wondered what my reaction would be if I actually saw somebody to day wearing that. I think I would just laugh and take a picture just to remember the moment.
While looking back on the past part of it showed up in my life yesterday. I saw an 8 track tape and player. When I saw it I asked my grandmother what it was and when she told me my eyes grew with excitement. I had never seen one in my whole life. We set it up and got it to play. It was like a blast from the past. Ancient!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hungry for Attention

So now in class we are reading the book Black Boy by Richard Wright. So far in the book the main character Richard shows his need for attention. He seems like he’s just there and not really acknowledged because he is a child. In the book he sets the curtain in his house on fire basically because he was bored. By setting the curtains on fire and basically burning the house down he defiantly got the attention he has been yearning for. Another example of his addiction to attention is when he killed a cat to get back at his father. Richard’s sole intention was to get the attention and anger his father without getting punished.
Is Richard alone in his craving for hunger?
All crave some attention but people pursue it in different ways. Some have made themselves into celebrities, who have the attention of millions. Others are criminals who are on the news who also have the attention of many. Some people pursue attention in negative ways and others in positive ways.
Why is attention craved?
This question I cannot answer on the behalf of others but I crave attention because it’s boring to live in the shadows of others. I like to be visible in the spotlight, because of the feeling I get. When I’m in front of people on a stage I feel happy and at home. That is why I crave attention.

Friday, January 14, 2011

King Still King?

Dr. Martin Luther King is defiantly still relevant. Dr. King fought for equal rights and an end to racism. Still to this day you can say that people still don’t have equal rights and there is defiantly racism still in today’s modern society. Though racism is not as bad as it was it is still living. Its today’s society blacks are often looked down upon. It is not unheard of a person of a different race getting a job over a black person just because of their skin. Racism now is not only limited to blacks. Mexicans are also looked at the same way. There are also a lot of racist stereo types. For example, Asians are smart and black people are always late. In some cases especially in the south rights are secretly based upon their race. For example, if a black person got caught stilling would get a harsher punishment than if he/she were of a different race. He is relevant because his goals were not completely accomplished and we are still fighting his war against racism. If he was still alive I could see him speaking to people around the world about rights and racism.