Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

Well, personally I don’t think John proctor is a hero. I think he is a stooge defiantly. A hero wouldn’t cheat on their wife. Most of the time heroes set a good example for people who look up to them. I don’t think in any case that someone would want to look up to a person who cheats on their wife like Tiger Woods. In Tiger Woods situation he thought that no one would find out but as the girls he messed with came out of the closet many of his fans began to turn on him. John is defiantly in the same situation. He thinks that no one will find out but I predict that it will come out sooner or later and when it does the whole town will turn on him. Once all that happens I know the town will turn against him and then defiantly no one would look at him as a hero.

Stooge is the best description of John Proctor. He is definitely an idiot for cheating on his wife. It doesn’t make sense for a man who has a wife that truly loves them to go out and cheat on her. Now I think that their relationship is jeopardized and probably won’t ever be the same. Also by cheating he is jeopardizing his life. If he gets caught there could be serious punishments. The court could charge him and have him killed. Or, the people could find out his reputation would be ruined. Either way he is defiantly screwed and a stooge.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of Angry God

In this passage Edwards basically talks about how god can at any moment kill you and send you to hell if you are a sinner or sins. If they believe that god does that then they must live on edge all throughout their life. Everything they do they must think out carefully making sure they do not sin. Just walking to the store requires thought and carefulness. For example, back in the 16th and 17th centuries, on Sundays the Puritans could only go to church or to their house. It was considered a sin to do anything else on Sundays.

If I believed what Edwards was talking about I know for a fact that I would not last. They have so many rules, I probably couldn’t remember them all, and so I would commit what they considered sins all the time. The best way for me to succeed in being a Puritan would to carry around a rule book with me. Before I make a move or take a step I would pull that book out and make sure I don’t sin, so that I can go to heaven. That might seem a little crazy but my memory is not very great. Also, they used to have a rule that prohibited anyone from dancing. Wow, I would sure commit that sin. The hands of God probably wouldn’t hold me for long.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood!

In the U.S today I believe that we are still separated into race, religion, and ethnicity. If you examine closely you will see that majority of people live in an area with their same race or religion. For example, In China Town the majority are Chineese that live in that area. The main reason it ends up like that is because the other races just don’t want to live near them.
The town I grew up in has changed drastically. When I was in Kindergarten I moved to Crete, Illinois. For about the first 3-4 years we were the only African-American people in the neighborhood. Everybody was nice and welcoming. At that time no houses were for sell. Then my town had built new houses and many African-American people moved. Thats when it all started. After a while many of my Caucasian neighbors moved, and then more houses were put up for sell. Now majority of the town was African-American.
Some of the Caucasian neighbors may have been racist but that is not always the case. Honestly many of those who moved in were very ignorant, they did not keep their yard intact, and were very rude. They just did not take pride in what they had. I have seen people walk around the neighborhood littering, vandalizing and many other offensive actions done to the neighborhood. I believe people should take care of their town, have their lawns clean, and just be nice & decent human beings. Well there goes the neighborhood!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Snippet About Me

            Many people would describe me as nice, intelligent, funny and optimistic. This is entirely true but also there is a bad side. I don’t have a lot of patience and I can be mean and a little rude at times. I’m the type of person who hates traffic, standing in line and people just taking their sweet time for no good reason. Honestly patience is not in my blood because both of my parents and my grandfather do not any type of patients. I can seem rude sometimes because I speak my mind and tell the truth. I am not going to sugar coat anything just because it might hurt someone’s feelings. I will be straight forward.
           My favorite thing to do is to play music. I can play the clarinet, piano, cello, trumpet and drums. When I first touched and instrument was in 3rd grade. My mother had signed me up for piano lessons. At first I was resistant to going, but when I sat down in front of that beautiful piano I felt at home. Ever since then I have been learning to play many instruments. I am currently in Whitney Young’s Advanced band, all city band and the Northshore Concert band.
           In the near future I would like to be either a surgeon. When I was little Discovery Health Channel was my favorite station. I guess you can say that I wasn’t the ordinary kid because when everyone was watching cartoons I was watching people have surgeries. The human body has always fascinated me but also I want help people. I love to see the glow in their eyes and bright smile on peoples face when someone literally saves their life. I think that is the best part of being a doctor.