Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Snippet About Me

            Many people would describe me as nice, intelligent, funny and optimistic. This is entirely true but also there is a bad side. I don’t have a lot of patience and I can be mean and a little rude at times. I’m the type of person who hates traffic, standing in line and people just taking their sweet time for no good reason. Honestly patience is not in my blood because both of my parents and my grandfather do not any type of patients. I can seem rude sometimes because I speak my mind and tell the truth. I am not going to sugar coat anything just because it might hurt someone’s feelings. I will be straight forward.
           My favorite thing to do is to play music. I can play the clarinet, piano, cello, trumpet and drums. When I first touched and instrument was in 3rd grade. My mother had signed me up for piano lessons. At first I was resistant to going, but when I sat down in front of that beautiful piano I felt at home. Ever since then I have been learning to play many instruments. I am currently in Whitney Young’s Advanced band, all city band and the Northshore Concert band.
           In the near future I would like to be either a surgeon. When I was little Discovery Health Channel was my favorite station. I guess you can say that I wasn’t the ordinary kid because when everyone was watching cartoons I was watching people have surgeries. The human body has always fascinated me but also I want help people. I love to see the glow in their eyes and bright smile on peoples face when someone literally saves their life. I think that is the best part of being a doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Porshaaa! I never knew we had sooo much in common! This is real crazy, to start off I don't have much patience either (b/c of my mom & grand dad), I'm always straight foward, I enjoy playing the piano, and I want to be a doctor too (just not a surgeon). This is really kind of weird, right? You probably would have never guessed...
